Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Weekend Wrap Up
There was so much Who to enjoy this week as we celebrated one of the most enduring science-fiction programs of the last half century. I’ve been a fan of Doctor Who since I was a kid, enjoying the show on Saturday evenings on PBS in the late seventies and eighties. My Doctor was Tom Baker, bombastic, strange, often quick to anger, but had a joy and a smile for the role that, I am pleased to report, continues to this day.
There was so much to enjoy online and on television! Google New Zealand sported a Who Google Doodle/Game; Youtube and Steven Moffat stunned the world with a Paul Mcgann regeneration in the 50th Anniversary prequel mini “Night of the Doctor“; anglophenia posted a fun Which Doctor Are You? Personality Quiz; the BBC website profiled all the Doctors; and the BBC had programs revisiting all the Doctors as well as a touching docudrama on William Hartnell’s original Doctor and how the program came to be titled “An Adventure in Time and Space.”
Then came the incredible 50th Anniversary 75 minute episode itself, “Day of The Doctor,” which starred Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, John Hurt as the War Doctor and Jenna Coleman as companion and impossible girl Clara Oswald. There were nods and cameos galore, including Billie Piper as…well, if you haven’t seen it yet, I won’t spoil it, but yes there were Daleks and Zygons played a surprisingly engaging role, if not a bit disgusting. You’ve been warned.
I was fortunate enough to attend a 50th Anniversary viewing party, and later I found out we were making history as the “Day of The Doctor” set a Guinness Book World Record for most watched simulcast, in like, a bazillion countries. I dressed Rory-ish, with a hat and scarf as a nod to my Doctor, and my companion Ali made a stunning Amy Pond, complete with marks all over her arms and hands denoting times she’d seen the Silence. Throughout the night, she added more marks, for a lovely, creepy touch! Our hosts, Jimi “The Eleventh” and Bella “River Song,” provided a lavish banquet of fish fingers and custard, jammie dodgers, jelly babies, chocolate fezzes, daleks and tardises, tea and hard apple cider. The party was decorated with photos and prints of all the Doctors, many of the companions and favorite guests, sunflowers, artifacts and even a sun and stars backdrop for photos. We laughed, we cried, waved our sonics or sonic apps, we whooped with excitement and joy at all the incredible moments, there were hugs, cheers, there was camaraderie and a wonderful feeling of a great shared experience at the end. After the program, there was a costume contest won by a perfect young Ten, and goody bags were handed out to take home. Somehow, caught up in the moment, I forgot to take photos of everyone in costume, but I managed to snap a few at the end, which I may post to the Forsaken Stars facebook page, so keep an eye out! Jimi, Bella, Kudos for a viewing party well done!
For all the info on the Doctor, visit the or follow the Official Doctor Who tumblr, but be careful–SPOILERS!
This episode blew my mind and surpassed even my wildest expectations. 🙂