Open Mic Night at Borders at Riverpark Sat, July 9th 6PM
My group, the Fresno Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writers (FSFW), is coordinating the Open Mic Night hosted by Borders Cafe this Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. We read from our own sci-fi and fantasy works, or our favorite authors from any genre, and we invite the public to do the same. Poetry and music are also highly encouraged so if you’re a local poet or musician, this is a great opportunity to try out new material!
This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Comment here or email me at forsakenstars AT gmail DOT com if you would like to sign up ahead of time. Sign up sheet will also be at the event. Each reading or piece should be about 6 minutes in length and family friendly.
The featured image is from my roleplaying game. I’m planning to read an excerpt from the game’s prologue/premise Saturday, so you don’t want to miss this!
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