Zombie Love
So we have a little thing in our Fresno Sci-fi & Fantasy Writers group called a Write 1/Submit 1 Challenge, wherein every month we write a short story, flash fiction or poem and then submit it to publishers in the hopes of getting published and maybe making a little money. (Of course, either way, we love writing and story telling, so it’s also for the sheer joy of it.) At the end of each month we round up the stories, read them and give brief critiques and vote on our favorite piece for that month. The winner gets to pick the writing prompt for the month after next (It’s staggered to give us time to read and vote).
I happened to win March’s challenge with a gory little piece that I hope sees the light of publication soon, but in the meantime I can bask in the glory that is getting to choose the prompt for May. I decided on “Zombie Love” and, since I’ve been meaning to get back into drawing and painting, decided to go the extra mile and give the group some visual inspiration. Though this particular piece is more for the horror writers, I figure it can be metaphorical too, like sometimes the heart wants what it wants without regard for the brain.
It also made me wonder, “what if instead of going for the brains all the time, the zombies went for the heart?” After all, a lot of [ancient and primitive] cultures valued the heart of their kills for their power, wisdom or courage.
Anyway, enjoy the piece, and if you don’t, my apologies if you find it distasteful or outright horrific.
But I do love horror. And zombies.
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