Valiance Concept Art – “Waking In the Crater”
I promised you readers and myself that I would get back to Forsaken Stars in 2015. We’re at the halfway point in the year, June, so I’ve gone to drastic measures to try to get back into drawing and picked up a cheapie tablet from until I get a new computer to give you guys and myself something comicky as we move into the second half of the year. The REBIRTH blogfest inspired me to create a new comic book style character in Valiance, and with him a story I am excited about. So this and the tablet get me drawing again, so I can start conceptualizing the next few issues of Forsaken Stars too.

Azzi is just as excited as I am about the new tablet.
Our featured image/comic today, is the second sketch on the new tablet, and it’s a little more involved. Valiance concept art, “waking in the crater.” The tablet is a 9″ Zeepad 9XN. The app is Sketch Book Express. I am stunned by the abilities I can get out of the free edition of the app–layers! Brushes! Copic colors AND color wheel! Variable opacity and brush size! Anyway, makes me happy and hopeful for a more steady art output and getting back to the Forsaken Stars comic and maybe a Valiance comic in the future. But for now, I’m just going to try to get back to FUN.