Forsaken Stars Issue Two Page 16
Aaand we’re out of the flashback, and we return to the present, but not without a sardonic little epilogue delivered by Azzi himself, now quite bacon-y-crispy from all that fission reactor-powered hypercurve jumping.? It seemed Imogene continued to write the vampire long after that particular trip, and it’s hard to imagine the gentleman Azzi not writing back at least a time or two to fan the longings of a woman who once struck a poignant chord within him.? But before we can get to that, it seems Sera has done some more research.? She’s a curious one!
I’d also like to point out that I’m introducing a new font for Azzi.? I would love to stand by my original choice of the Papyrus font, despite the cry heard round the world from font snobs regarding it’s use for the film titles and subtitles for Avatar, but I sincerely want my lead character’s text to be legible at the reduced size I’m using here.? Over at Comic Genesis, the page fills the screen, but that only makes it hard on those who have smaller screens or are reading on their laptops and notebooks.? So I’m switching to the aptly named Immortal font, and I hope it serves the story well here.? Thanks.
Oh, and hey, don’t hesitate to let me know what you think about the look and feel of the comic.? Many of you know that I’m quite comfortable drawing much more realistic figures and faces and so you might wonder why I choose to draw in a more doll-like style.? Maybe you hate that I’m constantly changing the word balloon shapes to fit the panel (believe me, I’m looking back and starting to hate that too).? Or maybe you don’t want me to switch fonts.? So sound off!? That’s what that little comment box is down there for 🙂
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