Forsaken Stars Issue One Page 18
As much fun as this page was to draw, given the widescreen style panels, and dizzying exterior view and final punch close-ups (the close up on Sera in this page reminds me of Liz Phair, whom I was definitely crushing on at the time I drew it), it was definitely a tricky scene to write. I had to come up with something so outrageous, yet believable enough that Sera could consider allowing this seemingly invulnerable creature to remain aboard her ship for even a minute longer. The fission core-as-prison sounds so insane, especially for a vampire, that it gave me quite the satisfying shiver. AND it sets up a great visual if she decides to go for it.
So tune in next Monday to find out!
UPDATE: So this page has been on the ‘net for just over a year, and most of my learned friends have read it, but it’s just come to my attention that FUSION is the reaction by which stars exist. I should totally know that, but there’s only so much room in there at any one time. Of course, I’ve re-written and edited this page several times over to get all the dialogue to fit, so I could have cut something at one point or another, but to clarify, Sera’s ship has an old fission drive, which triggers nuclear fusion to get intrasystem speeds.
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