Captain Sera Besh v1 for Comic Creators Alliance Art Jam

Earlier this week I announced that I have joined up with the Comic Creators Alliance to fight human trafficking. I am one of fifty-two artists [and counting] lending their female characters to an art jam that will be made available to our readers as a downloadable wallpaper when they donate during the fund raising drive. I will be drawing a Captain Sera Besh for the piece, but while I was explaining the event to another webcomicker who was asking how we promote the event, it occurred to me that you guys could help even before the drive by choosing which Captain Sera Besh you would like to see in the wallpaper!
So I’ll be posting up four, maybe five versions of Sera–Little Black Dress Sera, Astronaut Sera, Nightgown or Pajamas Sera, and Ballet Sera–over the next few days (and a new comic by Wednesday, promise!) and you guys will vote on which Sera goes on the wallpaper. My early favorite is this one, Captain Sera in Uniform, or the Default Sera, if you will.
Any suggestions on outfits and hair styles are appreciated! Coveralls, summer dress (man, I love me a good summer dress), shorts and tanktop?
Do you like Sera in pigtails, the sixties shoulder flip she last sported in the comic, the wet look, or long and free flowing past the shoulders?
Once the art is decided on, I will ink it and color it and that final image will be sent to the CCA! The deadline to send it in is December the 31st, but I would like to send it in by next Sunday, and then the donation drive runs January 11-24.
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, Dear Readers!
I vote for this one! I think this is my favorite out of the set.
I think this is the one you should ink, for sure!
Thanks, Ali! I do prefer the quiet strength she’s radiating in this one.
Thanks, Chris! The votes are leaning towards Astronaut Sera, but in case of a tie, I think I’ll go with this one. But there are things I like about all of them! Arrgh!