Azzi, Space Vampire, StoryBoard 001
To celebrate Forsaken Stars’ upcoming 7th year online celebration (October 9th), and to continue the Year of Azzi theme, I’ll be “reprinting” my summer project, “Azzi, Space Vampire” that ran on instagram from July to mid-August right here, starting now! The upsides to instagram were the cool filters and the ability to connect with lots of sci-fi and horror fans via the hashtags, but the downsides were that my images were uploaded from cell phone snaps and cropped, so these will be full, clear scans.
The idea behind Azzi, Space Vampire was to create a simple, stand alone story that could possibly become an animated sequence. This story is based on the premise: what if Azzi came upon another ship before he found Captain Sera Besh and her hypercurve ship the Bluebird?
Storyboard 001 — Azzi floats through space, having just burst free from his pharoah-like coffin/cocoon. If there would be any dialogue, it might be something simple like, “A ship, a ship! I have drifted too far from the galactic centre! I could really use a ship!”
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In Other News
I doubt I’ll be participating in inktober this year, since I’m working to complete several different projects and shop a few already complete projects, but I may whip up a few sketches here and there as time allows.
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