100+ Followers on Twitter!
A milestone was reached today when I posted a mini-contest for a free sketch of the FS character of the winner’s choice on my twitter feed for my #100th follower. @nicolesixx_, Nicole Sixx of ComicBooked.com and Comic Booked Indie!, put out the word (Thanks, Nicole!) and instantly I got my hundredth and hundredth and one followers and then some!
Congratulations to @Iamcomicaddict, Wesley Messer, who requested a sketch of the Vampire Azzi, and @pkdmedia, Shawn P, who requested Captain Sera Besh! They both have kicking sites of their own, so check ’em out!
@Iamcomicaddict also recently tweeted he’s going for the 300 follower mark, and if he hits it, he’ll post a photo of himself as Superman!
Having hit this milestone is also a kick in the pants to put some new pages and art up, so stay tuned, it’s coming!
Awesome all around!!